Mergers & Acquisitions / Purchase or sale of business
Strategic & Financial Advisory
Capital structure & funding
Business Valuations
Business Assessments
Mitchell "Mitch" Evans is a Director of Graphic Arts Advisors. Mitch has over 35 years of experience in the print and graphic communications industry, during which time he has worked with hundreds of clients and been involved in more than sixty successful print industry M&A transactions. Mitch has the unique experience of having begun his career as a consultant before he successfully owned his own printing company for 23 years, bringing to GAA’s clients the insights he has gained from his significant hands-on operational printing experience.
Mitch began his career with Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as a management consultant in New York. Mitch grew his own printing company, Print Tech, into a multi-million company with six locations; earning him the honor of being selected by NAQP as one of four “models of excellence” in the industry, recognizing Print Tech as the benchmark for all NAQP members to emulate. Prior to joining GAA, Mitch served as Vice President of NAPL’s Business Advisory Group.
Mitch currently facilitates three print peer groups, is a well-known speaker at industry events, and is a co-author of Taking Your Business to the Next Level as well as the author of Owner's Guide to Outside Sales Compensation. Mitch additionally published the latest Financial Benchmarking, Marketing & Sales and Digital & Wide Format Pricing studies for NAQP/NAPL (now Epicomm).
Mitch’s extensive experience in the print and graphic communications industry includes seven years on the board of NAQP, serving as President in 1994-95; and being named an Honorary Lifetime Member of NAQP and a Member of the graphic communications industry’s prestigious Walter E. Soderstrom Society. Mitch holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering and an M.S. in Management Science both from Lehigh University.